My 6 Motivational Mantras

As a fairly lazy person who often lacks motivation, I like to tell myself and consistently repeat a line of inspirational words. I'm trying to be positive - so immersing myself into this habit will help me, not only live a more productive life, but to also grow as an aspiring individual.

After I get up, get dressed, brush my teeth and put on my makeup, when I feel like I need that positive boost to start the morning (which is pretty much every morning) I look at myself in the mirror and utter a few words that will push me to be ready for the day. Here are my motivational mantras I like to chant that helps me and that might help you.

1. I know what I want.

This is a mantra that's also muttered by Victoria Beckham, a successfully turned British pop-star-into-fashion-designer, launching her own eponymous label and with a net worth of nearly $300 million. It is that short and simple sentence said by one of the most powerful women that got her to the top and I like to use this like a magical spell to achieve my goals.

2. You are a flower in a dry desert.

I like to say this when I'm feeling down and having a really tough time that I'm urged to jump out my window. This mantra is perhaps my favourite because it tells me that despite the hardships of life I'm still blooming and growing, and even though you're getting sand in your eyes all you have to do is reach for the skies.

3. Life is full of loose screws.

I took this one from one of my favourite '80s classic, The Breakfast Club and it's one of my favourite lines. It tells me that not everything is perfect. And to continue moving forward, all you have to do is find those loose screws and tighten them.

4. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

As an urging perfectionist, I like things to go how I want it to go. But if things are going downhill, I like to mutter to myself this quote said by football player Vince Lombardi. Saying this when I'm in a slump will help me get up on my feet again and persevere.

5. You are so used to your features, you don't know how beautiful you look to a stranger.

Quoted by an unknown, I like to chant this beautiful sentence when I feel insecure about myself. When I'm down from a [delusional] realisation that I'm not as beautiful as I'd like to be, this helps me remember that not everyone sees what I see when I look at me.

6. You are a work art.

Saying this mantra is a reminder that I am like a piece of art, that I'm ambiguous. Everyone will see their own version of me, meaning not everyone will like what they see and showing you that not everyone can be liked all the time because everyone is different. Everyone is their own work of art and has their own opinions. It is also a reminder of how beautiful, complex and unfathomable I am. How you can see the depth and the history of a person like how you look for meanings in a sculpture. How much I can affect my surroundings, like how a painting can have an impact on our culture. And how I have a purpose in life, which is to help make the earth go around (because 'earth' without art would just be 'eh').

These are just a few words and sentence I choose to live by which raises my positive spirits, inspires me to pursue my dreams and to never give up.

I hope that these also help you in someway, and if you have any other mantras you live by it would be great to hear them!

Nicole ᵔᴥᵔ


  1. This is a very nice post Nicole! I like your mantras they're on point :D
    I always like to say "Don't overthink. Focus on the goal." because I'm always worried about sorts of matters :O

    Thank you for the follow the other day. Followed you back on Google+ and Twitter :)

    Have a great day!

    1. thank you, Fiona :) and your mantra sounds inspiring <3
      you too have a lovely day x

      Nicole ᵔᴥᵔ

  2. HOW I HAVE NOT FOUND YOUR BLOG YET. it's so aesthetically pleasing me, i'm in love <3

    ~ noor

  3. These are inspiring mantras. Thinking about it I can't recall what are my mantra whenever I am feeling down aside from saying please repeatedly. I also listen to music and read text messages from my friends. BTW thank you for visiting my blog.

    1. Thank you! And that sounds nice - I also like to listen to music :)

      Nicole ᵔᴥᵔ


Thank you all for your lovely comments :) I will get back to most of you as soon as possible, so make sure you are checking back x


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